Monday, June 15, 2009

cell phone, where are thou?

one liner: have the cell phone email you its gps location when it's running short of juice.

I just got woken up by my obnoxious cell phone cuz it was running low of power. It's like ridiculous how long it can keep beeping loudly when it claims it's low on power.

Anyways, so to tell me that it's low on power without being obnoxious is to email me when it's low on power. And just in case I forgot where the cell phone is, turn on the gps and tell me where you are exactly, then go to low power mode. I can still call the phone if I reallly need it to ring.

1 comment:

Franklin said...

I really like that idea, with one slight caveat; would just giving a GPS location be enough for you to know where it is inside your house? Especially when you usually use your cell phone to track where you are (GPS-wise) in any case? I think it would be cool if you can set different areas of your house (this location is my room, this is the kitchen, even friend's house, etc) and, when it is running low on power, have it send that location instead, assuming it is close enough to one for it to one of said locations to be useful. Of course, this is basically what you're already saying, since it is done by GPS. You could even have it say, "I'm two meters north of the point in the kitchen", and, as long as you remember where in your kitchen you set up the "hot spot", you could know exactly where it is without getting just a couple of numbers in your email.